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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  May 6, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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reported clicking with whale who's used language like that is awesome or that must this is "world news." tonight, breaking news. a stunning arrest. the officer assigned to prevent sexual abuse in the air force has been charged with a sexual attack. brian ross is here with the fast-moving story. terror arrest. the fbi says they thwarted a plot in the heartland. this time the suspect an american who claims ties to a militia. trapped. what we're learning from the survivors of that tragic fire, engulfing a bride and her friends in the wedding limousine, 90 seconds before they were trapped. and "made in america" is back in a big way, with a place ready to buy all things american and create millions and millions of american jobs. david muir back on the beat. >> made in america! >> made in america! whoo!
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good evening to all of you on this monday. we begin with breaking news tonight from the air force. a top officer assigned to prevent sexual assault has been arrested and charged with sexual battery. we know there's long been a complaint that the military does not take sexual assault seriously and we also know those numbers. in just one year, an estimated 19,000 cases. well, tonight the case of a key air force official is under investigation, but reaction, including outrage, is already pouring in. abc's chief investigative correspondent, brian ross, has the latest. >> reporter: the arrest comes amid growing concern about the top ranks in the military and the air force failing to do enough to prevent thousands of alleged rapes and sexual abuse cases over the last few years.
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>> lieutenant colonel jeff krusinski. >> reporter: the air force officer arrested this weekend, on sexual battery charges, jeff krusinski, actually runs the sexual assault prevention and response office of the air force. an articlington county police report identified him as a drunken male subject who approached a female victim in a parking lot near the pentagon after midnight saturday night and grabbed her breasts and buttocks. according to the department of veteran's affairs, some 30% of women in the military have been raped or sexually assaulted while serving their country. some talked about it in the oscar-nominated documentary, "the invisible war." >> evg changed the day that i was raped. >> he hit me in the head and knocked me out. >> reporter: just last week, the air force said it had disciplined five former commanders at a san antonio base for failing to take appropriate action in what was then termed the military branch's worst sex scandal. >> how can we possibly stop the amount of sexual assault and
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rape in the military if the person in charge of enforcing these policies commits the same crime? lieutenant colonel jeff krusinski has been released on $5,000 bond and will be arraigned this thursday. tonight the air force says he's been relieved of his position as the leader of the sexual assault prevention program. >> exactly what happens next? >> he'll be arraigned in civilian court, not military. that's often the problem in these cases, that victims don't get justice in the military courts because so many charges involve superior officers who don't face consequences. >> breaking news and the story is just beginning. thank you, brian ross. and tonight also in the news, just three weeks after the boston bombing, the fbi says they have broken up another terror plot, this one reportedly an american with ties to an american militia group. they say he had a cache of weapons and explosives. so who was his target? abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas on that case.
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>> reporter: the fbi is describing this man as a potential domestic terrorist. buford rogers was arrested at his mobile home, two hours west of minneapolis late last week, after authorities allegedly found pipe bombs and molotov cocktails for starting fires, and a romanian akm assault rifle, like the one seen here. >> with an ak-47, particularly if it's modified to automatic, if that's the case, you can kill dozens of people in a minute or two. >> reporter: fbi and local police say they moved quickly because he was planning attacks against local residents, possibly including government officials. his family says the charges are bogus. >> we've never done a violent thing like that in our lives. >> reporter: on his facebook page two years ago, rogers, who said he founded the black indicate militia, spoke of a coming war with the government, allegedly writing, nwo, new world order, has taken all of your freedom, the right to bear arms. freedom of speech. together we can fight back. they won't take me down without a fight.
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pierre thomas, abc news, washington. and now we take you to the dangerous part of the world that just grew more unstable. heightened worry tonight about america's ally, israel. israeli planes struck inside syria. syria says, this is an act of war. abc's chief global affairs correspondent, martha raddatz, reporting on whether this might draw the u.s. into the fight. >> reporter: the israeli attacks were precise, powerful, and stealthy. israeli jets likely launching their missiles without even entering syrian airspace. the primary targets, iranian-made weapons, believed to be headed to the militant group hezbollah, a sworn enemy of israel. but tonight, israel is bracing for what could come next. the requests for gas masks have quadrupled. israel's famed "iron dome" rocket defenses have been moved north in what is an increasingly dangerous neighborhood. israel is facing the prospect of retaliation from multiple
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fronts. from syria, which called the attacks a "declaration of war." from lebanon, home to hezbollah. and from iran which is echoing the calls for retaliation. >> i would expect israel in the coming days to keep a very low profile and hope it will pass without any retribution. >> martha, thanks for joining us tonight. give us the bottom line on whether the u.s. might be forced to intervene in some way, and what would it be? what would be the first sign? >> i think the u.s. will not rush into anything in regards to syria. in fact, the israeli strike takes the pressure off in a way. one official said to me, we now know for certain, that if we don't do anything, israel will, but the amount of planning the u.s. is doing now is staggering, diane. >> all right. but no sign of action yet. thank you, martha raddatz. now we turn to a new headline tonight about the nazi horror long ago. police arrested a 93-year-old man and charged him with serving
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as a guard at auschwitz. his name is hans lipschitz. he lived in chicago after the war, but was deported in the '80s for lying on his immigration documents. they say they now have evidence he was an accessory to the murder of jews. he claims he was just a cook at the camp. we have encouraging news back here at home tonight, about that massive wildfire we reported on last week in california. you remember the images from that blaze, the firefighters trying to douse it. well, tonight, with help from some rain, the fire has been 80% contained. 28,000 acres were burned in total. and that's almost the size of miami. the fire is expected to be fully under control by tomorrow. and now on to politics, an election tomorrow that defies all expectation. a former governor who left office after an affair that became a late-night running joke, he's running against the sister of a famous comic. abc's senior washington
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correspondent, jeff zeleny, dissects the exciting vote beginning in south carolina in hours. >> reporter: a second chance in south carolina. mark sanford, the state's former governor, tearfully resigned four years ago to be with his argentinian lover. now she's his fiance, and he's running for his old congressional seat. on the eve of the election, sanford stopped by a tire shop today in buford. some people have forgiven. >> he was great as a governor. i think he'll be good at anything else. we should give him a chance. >> reporter: some have not. >> i don't think his ethics are worthy of being elected to office. >> reporter: his opponent in the special election on tuesday is elizabeth colbert bush, sister of comedian stephen colbert. it's a deeply republican district. as a successful businesswoman making her first bid for public office she's keeping true to her slogan -- elizabeth means business. >> we talked about protecting the taxpayers. it doesn't mean you take the
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money we saved and leave the country for a personal purpose. >> reporter: her brother has been beating up on sanford late nights on comedy central for years. >> you are incredibly boring. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the outcome will not determine the balance of power in washington, but it will decide whether mark sanford, first elected during the 1994 gop wave, has a second act in politics and a chance at redemption. jenny sanford says she wants to stay out of the race, but she's not been out of the picture. she accused her ex-husband of trespassing, sneaking into her house to watch the super bowl with one of their sons. in a 2009 interview with barbara walters, she did not count him out. >> i think a political future for him is probably -- would be a challenge. but never say never in politics. i don't know. >> reporter: but she's not said if she's voting for him. jeff zeleny, abc news, washington. and now, tonight, "made in america" is back with some powerful news about the opportunity to create american
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jobs right across the border. there are new numbers tonight showing mexico has doubled its spending on american products. already helping to create a total of six million jobs. so how much bigger could this get, and what are they buying? the leader of our "made in america" team, david muir, is just back from mexico. >> just back for sure. great to see you. and mexico, latin america, the middle class there growing and they are buying. a stunning number, in just the last decade, american exports to mexico, up 121%. so what are they buying? we land in mexico city before dawn. within minutes, an american giant lighting up the highway. we were headed someplace else. we're here in mexico city before sunrise. trying to race to the train before they bring off the cars from dearborn, michigan. what kind of cars? a hint right through the trees. that first ford sign coming into view. >> hola, como estas, soy david. before we even get to the train, the packed lot.
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all of these fords come from america? >> yes. >> reporter: we wanted proof. asking where is this one from? de america? >> yes. >> reporter: no one quite sure, so we decided to look. >> reporter: louisville, kentucky. this is after diane's heart. why the demand? they point to mexico's growing middle class and a growing hunger for american cars. >> because the quality. >> reporter: the quality she says. 14 days to get here from michigan. we're there just in time as they open the doors. [ speaking spanish ] open the doors. i ask to inspect the cars too. on the train, each of them scanned. who's waiting for one of these? ricardo, a young father and architect, ready to drive off. hours later trading me for his young family and their american car. and it's not just the cars. and the brambila family buys american. the quality. but some of those iconic brands we found in the pantry are made in mexico.
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so we had a challenge. find the ones made by american workers in the states. we're going to give you one hour. >> yes. >> reporter: you're confident? >> yes. >> reporter: but on the way to costco, a surprise stop. this family had a hunger for american fast food. >> i wonder if the beef comes from america. all of us stumped. they asked me to order for the entire family. exhausting. dos number tres. papas fritas. we asked, where are the burgers from. orks -- imported from the united states. carl's jr says 20 new restaurants this year in mexico. those fries, from louisiana. much of the beef from the burgers, from texas. with full stomachs, we arrive at costco, where the parking lot is proof the middle class is growing. they have a security guard directing traffic in the parking lot here. una hora, ready, go.
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first the meat. usda grade. all of it from america. time's a tickin'. as the parents shop for "made in america," i do too. the original big wheel made in michigan and in iowa. but andre thought he was too big. es perfecto por cuatro. the hour was up. here comes tati. not just one cart, but two. this is incredible. okay, so wait a minute. among their finds? cape cod chips, have you been to the cape? >> no. >> reporter: this cracked me up. >> this is my product. >> reporter: this is your product. his love of wd-40, music to their ears back in san diego. they've hired ten new workers. >> made in america! >> reporter: then there was the tobasco. >> it sounds like mexican, but we all know it's american. >> reporter: american and still made by american workers. everything in their cart -- >> made in america! >> andre still not convinced.
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the folks at wd-40 so ecstatic to hear the news. based on just their brand new made in the usa container. there was one other thing on the shelf, it's so popular, looks like it's made in mexico, until you turn it around, "made in america," and it holds the secret to creating jobs back home for so many companies. >> so tomorrow night, you'll tell us how everybody at home can get a piece of the action. >> absolutely. >> thank you, david. still ahead on "world news," the survivors of that tragic and mysterious wedding limousine fire, engulfing a bride and her friends in just 90 seconds. how could they be trapped? i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin.
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the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ and now the mystery of a tragedy that happened in just 90 seconds. a bride and her friends in a wedding limousine, trapped in smoke and fire. abc's cecilia vega on what happened. >> reporter: inside this stretch limo crossing a bridge over the san francisco bay, a new bride and her girlfriends headed out on the town. but this night of fun turned into a nightmare. >> i wish i could save all of them. >> reporter: she survived, she was the first one out of the raging inferno. >> i said i need to go back. i need to go back and save somebody.
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the man said, you cannot go back anymore. >> reporter: it was just after 10:00 p.m. on saturday. ariana knocked on the window to alert the driver to the smoke. >> stop the car, stop the car. >> reporter: the driver pulled over. within just 90 seconds, he says the car was fully engulfed. orville brown was behind the wheel. >> just fire, no explosion. >> reporter: ariana and three other women made it out, by squeezing through a partition separating them from the driver. but five others did not make it. police say their bodies were found crouched against that same partition, as if they too tried to escape. among the dead, four friends, all nurses, and the new bride, 31-year-old neriza fojas. good samaritans tried to rescue the women, but the backdraft was so strong, the doors were impossible to open. in a statement to abc news, the limo company said it would do everything possible to
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investigate and assist authorities. police do not know what caused the fire. ariana said no one was smoking. police say the limo held one too many passengers. it was only authorized to carry eight. what more could have been done? >> i don't know what we could have done differently to save them. but -- >> reporter: the bride's new husband, he was waiting for her to join him for the party that night. cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. and coming up next right here on our instant index, a smart phone sending back photos from space, and we'll show you video proof of what a bear will do to get a slice of pizza. and now i'm training guys who leak a little to guard their manhood. with man style protection... whoa... of new depend shields and guards. who are you? this is my house. perfect. come with me. built you a little man space under here. how 'bout that. sweet.
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our instant index on this monday, lessons in perspective first from far, far away. some people at nasa actually wondered if smart phones could beam back pictures from space. so they put some on boxes. they attached boxes to the rocket that blasted off two weeks ago, and are you ready? ta-da! there they are, pictures the phone sent back. images of our beautiful planet, souvenirs taken at, by the way, a fraction of the usual hi-tech cost. and there's another new perspective on the world tonight. let's call it hungry-bear cam. researchers put collars containing cameras on black and brown bears in alaska. that's the bear's chin at the top of the picture.
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and mostly we discovered they eat. yes, here comes a slice of pizza right out of the garbage. they also eat dandelions from your lawn. alaskan towns are just one big cafeteria for them. and look at the dexterity, massive paws reach up to help munch the seeds out of a bird feeder. a brief rest and then on to the next bird feeder. and speaking of that, coming up, some proof of a startling thing we all do if we're hungry at the supermarket. all do if we're hungry at the supermarket. relief is at hand. for many, nexium provides 24-hour heartburn relief and may be available for just $18 a month. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. relief is at hand for just $18 a month. talk to your doctor about nexium.
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diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. and finally tonight, brand new proof of something we all do if we stop to grab groceries a little hungry. here's abc's paula faris.
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>> reporter: there's a new reason to fill up before filling your cart at the grocery store. today, a study out of cornell says when you shop hungry, you're buying 23% fewer healthy foods than you would buy if you weren't. and, according to the study's author, we're not buying more food as was previously thought. we're simply buying worse food. >> you buy less of the good stuff and more of the convenient, highly processed, easy to eat foods. >> reporter: if you are not hungry, you're probably gravitating towards the healthier option. but if you are hungry, most likely going with non-healthy. and you'll be living with those choices the rest of the week. >> you've loaded up with cereal, chips, candy, and it's going to be eaten eventually. >> reporter: you may have seen wansink's experiments before. he studies mindless eating. the endless bowl of soup -- piping in extra soup. people keep on eating because the bowl isn't empty. and plate size.
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people eat less on smaller plates. >> in a lot of cases we make much more rash decisions when we're hungry. >> reporter: the grocery guru said it can take only five hours without eating to become more impulsive. the solution? eat an apple before your next trip to the store. a little food for thought. paula faris, abc news, new york. stay in touch with us at "nightline" will be along later. glad you were with us. see you again tomorrow night. along ht. ter. glad you were with us. see you again tomorrow night. goodnight. tonight the limb scen scene -- limousine fire that claimed the lives of four women. >> and to an inside perspective a limo with one too many people on board. look at how difficult it can be to get out.
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>> san bruno pipeline explosion and the penalty that's pg&e could be facing. >> also the supreme court weighs in on the sale of medical marijuana in communities where pot clubs have been banned. >> the fire came out and stop the car, stop the car. >> we're getting a heart breaking story of what happened inside of the limousine that caught fire on the san mateo bridge saturday night. >> good evening. >> you may have heard five women were killed in that fire and if have you not seen the video here it is. you can see flames roaring out of the back of the car. we've learned the limo, two women first listed in skin have been upgraded to serious.
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the limousine was carrying nine passengers but supposed to have a maximum of eight. that what is still unclear is what caused this fire. abc 7 news will have more on the investigation in just a moment. >> first, the driver escaped unhurt. other survivors had to crawl through a partition among the dead, a 31-year-old nurse in a hospital in fresno who got married and was about to renew her vows in the philippines. this is a picture from her facebook page. just in a half hour we've received photos of two other women killed. they were on the bridge just minute as way from their tes des stination when that fire broke out. we begin tonight, nick spoke with a


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